MASK-NE – Mask induced acne prevention

Wearing a mask can be a pain if you struggle with acne!

MASK-NE! As if we needed one more thing to worry about during Covid-19 – acne!

Chances are you’ve probably seen pictures floating around social media portraying essential workers with bruises, cuts, and skin breakdown from wearing masks for extended periods of time.

One of the most common frustrations I’ve heard from my co-workers lately is the increased amount of acne associated with constant mask use.

If you’re struggling with increased acne breakouts due to the new norm, here are a few tips to help keep your skin looking clear!


Use a gentle laundry detergent without fragrance. Laundry detergent/fabric softener with fragrance can cause clogged pores and irritation. If you aren’t able to wash your mask daily fill a spray bottle with isopropyl alcohol and lightly spritz your mask to kill any bacteria. 


Wash with an anti-acne or gentle regimen. I have been alternating from R+F’s Unblemish to R+F’s Soothe when my face feels irritated. The Soothe regimen was developed specifically for dry irritated skin and consists of four steps. Honestly, the most impressive thing about this regimen is the multi-med therapy. Dermatologists created a skincare routine with all the ingredients you need in the right order to get the best results

  • Step 1: Gentle cream wash is fragrance free with ceramides to cleanse without increasing dryness. Feels almost like a light lotion when applying. 
  • Step 2: Sensitive Skin Treatment which is the ROCKSTAR of this regimen. It contains peptides to neutralize triggers and treat irritable skin. Also has skin protectants dimethicone and allantoin to protect where the mask rubs on your skin.
  • Step 3: Moisture Replenishing Cream contains cold fission technology which basically means it’s a moisturizer without emulsifiers that can irritate skin. Emulsifiers work to keep unlike substances together (example water and oil) but are known to dry out skin and cause irritation.
  • Step 4: Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30: Make sure you are only using products with SPF in the morning. This is a physical sunscreen that is less likely to cause breakouts than chemical sunscreens. Zinc oxide also acts as an extra barrier. This is actually an ingredient used in diaper rash creams to form a barrier to prevent further irritation.
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I still can’t believe how fast I got results from using Unblemish!


Oils from your fingers cause clogged pores and unwanted breakouts. Use hand sanitizer before and after taking your mask on and off to prevent germs from being transferred to your face. 


Dry skin leads to increased oil production which leads to clogged pores. Prevent this by using a great moisturizer. I have been using Soothe Step 3 for moisturizing morning and night. Over 98% of the formula is moisturizers, humectants, and protectants. This is BY FAR the best moisturizer I have ever used!


Radiant defense protects your moisture barrier

Your moisture barrier is your skins defense system. It keeps good things in and bad things out! When your skin feels tight or sensitive your moisture barrier is likely damaged. When wearing face masks, throw out the face makeup and start using R+F’s Radiant Defense dermacosmetic. It’s clinically proven to protect your moisture barrier, rich in antioxidants, and non-comedogenic so it won’t cause breakouts. 


As we embrace the new norm amidst Covid-19, create a plan to prevent your acne. Your skin will thank you

I’m here to help if you have any questions. Use the contact form here so I can assist you in looking your best self! Thanks for stopping by!