LED light therapy – Does it work?

One of the most recent innovations in acne treatment has been LED light therapy. Until recently, you could only receive these treatments at Med Spas and dermatology offices. But several home light therapy devices have now been FDA approved.

With that being said, it’s natural for us to have questions about its effectiveness for use at home. What is the science behind it and does it really work? 


There are several types of light based therapies but the one I am discussing today is continuous wave visible light sources (AKA blue and red light). Different wavelengths of light produce different colors and penetrate the skin to different depths. The science behind this is not completely understood but researchers have made a few hypotheses.

Blue and red light are speculated to work in different ways to decrease acne and aging. The theories are complicated but I simplified them to the basics. I always feel better about using something if I know how it works.


Molecules called porphyrins from Propionibacterium acnes (acne producing bacteria) absorb light at certain wavelengths (most effectively at 410 nm aka blue light). This light activates the molecules that causes the bacteria to die. 

For those of you that aren’t science nerds, the light kills the bacteria that causes acne. 

It is also speculated to decrease activity in sebaceous glands. (This is where your skin’s oil production occurs). If you decrease your oil production, you decrease clogged pores which decreases acne. 

Studies show blue light works better on inflammatory acne (blemishes that are red or swollen) than blackheads/whiteheads.


Red light is thought to play a role in increasing collagen production which could in theory decrease aging and acne scars. It is thought to do this by increasing the function of the mitochondria. Mitochondria (the power house of the cell that you may remember from high school biology) produce energy which can help cells repair damage. The light increases the mitochondria’s power to help cells repair damage from aging.


It’s in my nature to look at clinical studies when looking at new treatment possibilities. There are many published articles, but there is an overall lack of agreement. I would also like to add that FDA approval looks at safety NOT efficacy (how well it works).

Studies have shown good results but with very small sample sizes. You need a large population of people included in studies for them to be considered reliable. 

Being completely transparent, these studies are based on self-reports (peoples opinion) and are less reliable than true clinical testing.

One study (link here) on people with mild to moderate acne showed a 64% decrease in lesions after using blue light twice weekly for five weeks.

In a study (link here) of people with mild to moderate acne, 90% reported an improvement in skin appearance. It should be noted that there were only 33 people in this study and they were using other skincare products as well.

As you can see much more research much be done to determine if this is beneficial. 


The blue light is the same light that is used in hospitals to treat jaundice babies. This has been used for many years with no adverse effects.

One main safety concern of at home LED light therapy is eye protection. I use tanning goggles that I had from years ago. Several light therapy devices have been recalled due to the potential for eye damage without proper eye protection.

Another potential safety concern I have is people trying to treat skin problems without seeing a medical provider first. You could be overlooking skin cancer. Always discuss health related questions with your provider. That’s what they are there for. (reading this blog does NOT count as medical advice)


I couldn’t resist the temptation and I purchased a LED mask off Amazon (link here). It was around $100 but there is a vast price range available. I always say you get the quality you pay for. It has seven different LED colors and it boasts different benefits for each color. Please note, there have been no scientific studies on colors other than red and blue to my knowledge. 

It has different light intensity levels – sessions range from 15-20 minutes and it recommends starting at 3-4 treatments per week. I do 10 minutes of red and 10 minutes of blue several times per week. 

The lights don’t heat up so that you don’t sweat. I use it on a freshly washed face before I apply my additional skincare products for the day. I do my daily mindfulness during this time to knock out two things at once.

I then apply Active Hydration Serum (link here) afterwards to keep my skin nice and hydrated.  This will attract moisture from the air to lock into your skin.

R+F Active hydration serum which attracts moisture from the air and locks it into your skin

My overall experience has been good. I don’t think this is a “cure all” for acne but I have seen some benefits and think this is a great addition to a skincare routine. After each session I notice my face feels a bit tighter. It seems to help dry out any acne blemishes and decrease overall redness. As far as anti-aging I haven’t really noticed a difference but I’m sure that’s not to be expected in the short-term. I fortunately don’t have acne scars so I don’t have an opinion either way on that.


Make sure you clean the LED mask with alcohol between uses. Otherwise oil will build up and cause more breakouts. 

You should use it on a clean face only. Don’t use with any acids / vitamin A products on your face which could cause burns.

I only like using the one I purchased while lying flat – it’s uncomfortable to me while sitting up. There is a head strap but it seems too tight on my eye sockets when I use it.


Overall I have enjoyed using LED light therapy and have definitely seen benefits. It is painless, there is no down time, and it is relatively safe. However, this should not be used as your only method to treat your acne . Other treatments have much more evidence. I really enjoy using this as an add-on and find it super relaxing.

If you have used LED light therapy whether it be at a Med Spa or at home let me know your personal experience!

As always, I’m here to help if you have any questions. Use the contact form here so I can help you find a solution! Thanks for stopping by!