First Aid Kit

I always overpack with anything I might possibly need and first aid kits are no exception. I recently had a trip to the pool, and decided to make a dedicated first aid kit for the pool/beach. When I start putting together my various first aid kits, I think about all of the most common things to go wrong. Working in the ER has made me great at imagining the worst possible outcome so this comes quite easy to me.

I put together a list of things for the pool by injury and included a list you can screenshot at the end. All bolded items are links to things I recommend having. First off, my first aid bag is Bandaid Brand and actually came from Target. Right now, if you buy three first aid items you can receive the bag for free.

Pool First Aid Kit



Gloves: Use to keep your germs out of the wound. Just like masks protect the other person. Gloves protect the injured person from your germs.         

Saline Rinse: Leave the peroxide at home. Saline is actually the best wound cleaner. Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol can actually damage healthy tissue and decrease wound healing.

First Aid Kit Gloves and Wound Wash

Antibiotic ointment: apply after cleaning a wound and then cover with a bandage. I love the Welly brand. You can find them at Target or Amazon. This travel kit contains cute bandaids, individual single use antibiotic ointments, steroid cream, and hand sanitizer. They come in the cutest containers that can be resupplied and reused.

Welly Travel First Aid Kit

Waterproof bandaids: to keep water out of the wound. Don’t forget to clean the wound again and apply a new bandage once you get home.

Welly Waterproof First Aid Bandages

Gauze pads and tape: This is nice to have for larger cuts and scrapes. If you end up with a large bleeding wound apply pressure with gauze or a piece of clothing and head to the ER.


Bug Spray: to keep those pesky mosquitos and West Nile away. Don’t forget to reapply after you get out of the pool.

Benadryl:  for any unexpected allergic reactions to bug bites/stings. Benadryl is also called diphenhydramine. Buy the off brand and save a few dollars for the exact same thing. If you have an epi pen make sure to bring this as well. Also, in case you didn’t know: if you ever use an epi pen you must go to the emergency room for monitoring. You can have reoccurring symptoms that can be life threatening

Benadryl Cream: to soothe stinging. Benadryl actually acts as an anesthetic when placed on the skin.

Tweezers: to remove stingers, ticks, or splinters. Welly also has a container of Oops Equipment that contains scissors, tweezers, and fingernail clippers.

Welly First Aid Tools


Dehydration Treatments

-Being out in the sun can cause dehydration to happen fast, especially if you are drinking alcohol. I always have a few electrolyte packs such as pedialyte and liquid IV that can be mixed with water super easy. This collapsible water bottle is perfect for adding to a first aid kit as it doesnt take up much space. I got mine in the 5$ bin at Target, but I found a similar one on Amazon that I linked.


R+F Sunscreen

-Sun and skin do not mix. Make sure you are wearing an SPF.

-R+F has a new sunscreen for both the face and body that contains SPF 50. Make sure you are wearing at least SPF 30 and that you are reapplying at least every two hours.

-SPF Chapstick: don’t forget the lips which are super prone to burn as well since they do not contain melanin. I use the R+F chapstick that smells like delicious oranges.

Aloe Vera: sometimes no matter how much sunscreen you apply, you still get burned. Bring some aloe vera to help soothe your skin.


-All the cannon balls, sharks and minnows, and rough housing can lead to sprained ankles, bumped heads, and everything in between. I always throw an ice pack in the cooler just in case to help with any swelling. This can also help cool someone down if they get overheated.


– I wear contacts and swimming makes them dry out so much faster. I always have some lubricating eye drops and an extra set of contacts just in case.

-Don’t forget your sunglasses that have UV protection. You’ll thank yourself later. I also just purchased my first ever pair of polarized glasses from Zenni and I love them so much.



-Water in the ear can cause all sorts of problems. I bring along q-tips and over the counter ear drops and ear plugs just in case.


-Pain meds: I will always have Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin. I made this pill holder with most common meds I need and keep them in all of my first aid kits. These are so easy to make keeps you from carrying around a million pill bottles. Just make sure to put the medication and the dosage.

Medication Organizer

Scissors: you never know how much you need scissors than if you don’t have any. Im linking trauma scissors here which are great for every medical first aid kit.

Antibacterial wipes: because the rona and germs are everywhere. I couldn’t find them on amazon to add the link but the Wet Ones Tropical Splash wipes smell absolutely amazing.

First Aid Kit Necessities

Fingernail clippers: because whats worse than a hang nail. They are also included in the Welly I talked about earlier.

Pulse oximeter: great for using if someone isn’t feeling well. With COVID I have recommended everyone get one of these and know the basics of using it. It will tell you your heart rate and oxygen level. You can google the normal values. Also, remember that a child’s normal heart rate is different than adults.

First Aid Kit

This list may seem overwhelming but you can get most of these things at the Dollar Store. I created a list of items that you can screenshot for when you go to create your own. Don’t forget to always think about what could happen when you’re making your lists. Feel free to leave me a message with other things you like to have in your first aid kit.

There is no better feeling than being prepared for anything.

Pool First Aid Kit List